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eSign editor

The eSign editor differs from the document editor. The latter has native editing functionalities similar to Google docs or MS Word.

The eSign editor is for completed documents that are ready for approvals and eSignatures and does not allow textual or structural editing of the documents. For all intents and purposes, a document in the eSign editor is treated as a PDF document.

The editor has two main areas of action: the toolbar at the top and the control panel on the right.


eSign editor: Toolbar

The toolbar is simple with straightforward action buttons.


esignature Panel

Used to toggle your view to enable or disable a panel view by page or outline on the left.

/img/editor icons/pdf control View controls

Allows you to set:

Page transition: You can choose whether you want to scroll through the document and view it as if it were one continuous page or whether you want to view the document page by page.

Page layout: Choose between Single Page, Double Page, and Cover Facing Page. Each option will change the way the document is arranged for you.

/img/editor icons/pdf plus Magnification Use these to zoom in or out with the automatic zoom controls or type in your required magnification manually.

/img/editor icons/pdf pan tool Pan Once selected, you can hold and drag to move around the document view with your mouse or trackpad.

/img/editor icons/pdf select Select Restores the cursor to the standard black arrow

/img/editor icons/file download Download Downloads the document to your device. Please note that the downloaded document may have a watermark if it is in the process of being eSigned. This is a security measure enabled by the admin.

/img/editor icons/pdf view document View Document Takes you to the document view. Only visible in toolbars of documents that have been eSigned by all eSigners.

/img/editor icons/pdf view certficate View Certificate Takes you to the certificate view. This is the certificate of completion and validity of eSignatures. Only visible in toolbars of documents that have been eSigned by all eSigners.

Save eSigned documents with stamps are autosaved every 30 seconds. You can click on Save to save it manually at any point in time.

eSign editor: Control panel


The control panel hosts all the features you need to get your document approved and eSigned.

Click on the arrow on the top right of your eSign editor to expand the control panel.

eSignature: You can change and set your eSignature here. Learn more about creating and editing eSignatures.

Envelope: Use this feature to send multiple documents for eSignature together. Learn more about envelope.

Add or manage eSigners: Click on this feature to add eSigners, edit the eSign flow, add recipients of eSigned copy, and more. Learn more about adding and managing eSigners.

Fill and eSign: Click here to add signature and other stamps to your document. Learn more about fill and eSign.

Document settings: Only visible to owners, this feature lets you set security and privacy controls to ensure your document’s confidentiality is maintained. Learn more about document settings.

Attachments: Add supporting documents as attachments to the eSign document. Learn more about adding attachments.

Approvals: Set an approval workflow for the document. This workflow will be initiated and completed before the document is sent for eSignatures. Learn more about approvals.

Chat with eSigners: This is contextual chat on the eSign document, distinct from the platform-wide chat available in the header. Once the document is approved and sent for eSign, you can chat with the added approvers and eSigners one-on-one or publicly. Learn more about chatting on eSign documents.

Audit trail: A complete record of all important actions on your eSign document. Learn more about audit trail.

Document properties: A summarized view of all important details about the document, including the owner’s name, added eSigners, date of last activity, etc. Learn more about document properties.

At the bottom of the editor is the Send for eSign button. Once your approval and eSign workflows are created and your document is ready for signing, clicking on this button will initiate the approval flow. The document will automatically move from approver to approver, then eSigner to eSigner until all eSigns are completed.