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Platform wide chat

There are two chat functionalities on DocuX:

  • Platform-wide chat: This chat is independent of documents and can be used to initiate conversations with any user, internal or external.
  • Contextual chat on the document: This is contextual chat on each document. Only those added to the document can be conversed with on this chat. This chat is attached to your document. It is available in concert with the document at all times.

This section covers the platform-wide chat.


The platform-wide chat is located in the header and is accessible from any DocuX screen, except the document and eSign editors.

workspace walkthrough

Who can you chat with on the platform-wide chat

This chat panel has users segregated into internal and external users—you can chat with anyone from either category.

Internal users are users added by your admin to your company’s DocuX account.

External users are users not created by the admin with whom you have collaborated on or eSigned any document with. The document could have any owner, internal or external.

workspace walkthrough

Search the user by name or email to find and initiate a conversation with them.


The search functionality in the chat box does not search within messages. It only searches for users by name and emails.

workspace walkthrough


Your contacts and the users available for you to chat with are not related.

Your contacts will not be available as someone you can chat with unless:

  • You share a document with them or
  • They are a part of the internal users added by the admin.

Understanding the chat box

The chat box has a header that states the name and profile image of the person you wish to chat with. On the profile image you may see a green dot if that user is online and available to chat on the platform.

Under the header is an empty column that spans the height of your screen. This will display your conversation. workspace walkthrough

At the bottom of the chat panel is the message box and the options to add emojis or attachments to your message.

Conversing in the platform-wide chat

  • Click on Chat in the header
  • Search for a user by name or email to find and initiate a conversation with them.
  • Type out your message in the message box. Add emojis or add attachments . workspace walkthrough
  • Hit enter to send the message.

A message you’ve sent can be:

  • Edited anytime–will show (edited)
  • Trashed–for up to 2 minutes.
  • Replied to

workspace walkthrough

A message you have received can be:

  • Replied to

workspace walkthrough

When you receive a new message in your chat, you will see a red dot alongside the chat icon.

workspace walkthrough


Can I chat with users who are not in my contacts?

Yes, you can chat with users who are not in your contacts. See who you can chat with in the platform-wide chat.

Why am I unable to send my chat message?

Click on Enter after typing out your message to send it to the intended recipient. If you are unable to send a message, it could be due to one of the following reasons:

  • Message character limit exceeded. Maximum limit: 500 characters
  • Restrictions on attachments: Please try with '.doc, .docx, .csv, .txt, .log, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .tif, .tiff, .xls, .xlsx, .pdf, .zip, .ppt, .pptx' files. Also, file size should not exceed 1MB.
  • The user has been deleted
  • Internet connectivity issues: Check that you have a stable internet connection.