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Action oriented tabs

There are three action-oriented tabs at the top of your workspace. Titled For your action, Pending for others, and My drafts, these tabs distill the documents that need your attention at any given point in time. workspace walkthrough


If you are a collaborator, you cannot Create new documents. Therefore, your My drafts tab will remain empty.

For my action

Your DocuX workspace automatically sorts, prioritizes, segregates, controls, and stores your documents for you.

A document shows up in For my action only when someone specifically assigns and temporarily hands over a document to you for eSign, approval, comments, or edits.

Your workspace then lists these documents in the order of their importance. The order is calculated behind the scenes by our machine learning model. For example, documents that are due soon will be ranked higher than those that are due later. Similarly, documents that need your eSign may rank above those that need your comments.


The For my action tab only displays a maximum of 8 documents in the workspace. To see all documents that need your action, click on View all at the top of the tab. workspace walkthrough

Types of documents in For my action

In your For my action tab you will receive documents that:

  • Need your eSignature
  • Need your approval
  • Have been sent to you for edits and comments
  • You are editing and have collaborators added

Documents in For my action may have some tags depending on when they are due and specific sets of associated actions depending on the type of document. Learn more about the tags in your workspace.

How to take action on a For my action document

  • Click on to the right of the document name workspace walkthrough
  • The dropdown that opens up will include a short description explaining why that document is in your For my action tab
  • Below the description will be one or more action options relevant to the document. For instance, for documents that need your eSignature, you will see the eSign/Decline action.
  • Click on the action you wish to take and proceed

The workspace lists only the most relevant actions on any document or eSign. To see other actions associated with that document, view the document in the Documents or eSign dashboard.

Once you have taken the required action on a document, it will no longer be visible in your For my action tab. It may move to Pending for Others, one of the Recent documents tabs, or elsewhere on the platform, depending on the document, who the owner is, and the action you have taken. Learn more about how documents move on DocuX.

Pending for others

workspace walkthrough Documents on DocuX can be edited, eSigned, or approved by only one person at a time. Other users added to that document may be able to view, comment, or chat on it, however, true access only lies with one user at any given time. This measure ensures strong version control and an iron-clad audit trail on all documents and eSigns.

So, when you release a document to a collaborator for edits or send it for eSign or approval, the document’s access will temporarily be given to that user and the document will move to your Pending for others tab. The user will find it in their For my action tab.

For documents where you have set eSigner or approval workflows, the document will move from eSigner to eSigner after each eSign or from approver to approver after each approval. It will remain in your Pending for others tab until the entire workflow is completed.


The Pending for others tab only displays a maximum of 8 documents in the workspace. To see all documents that are pending with others, click on View all at the top of the tab. workspace walkthrough

Types of documents in Pending for others

Documents you create will move to Pending for others if you assign them to:

  • A collaborator for review and edits or
  • An approver for approval or
  • An eSigner for their signature

Documents shared with you for collaboration, approval, or eSign that don’t currently need your action will also be displayed in the Pending for others tab.

Documents in the Pending for others tab may have some tags depending on when they are due and specific sets of associated actions depending on the type of document. Learn more about the tags in your workspace.

How to regain access of a document that is pending with others

The document owner has ultimate control over their document and can regain edit access if it is pending with others. Here’s how:

  • If sent for review to a collaborator, click on and click on Recall workspace walkthrough
  • If you have sent it for eSign, click on to the right of the file name and click Cancel eSign. The document will open up—you will have to click on Cancel eSign in the bottom right corner of the document editor.
  • If sent for approval, click on to the right of the file name and click Cancel approval. Confirm the cancellation in the confirmation dialog that opens up.

Once you regain access to the document, the user it was assigned to will no longer see it in their For my action tab. It will move back to their Pending for others tab.

My drafts

New documents you create will show up in your My drafts tab. They stay in your drafts until you add other users to them as collaborators, eSigners, or approvers—at which point they will move to your For my action tab.

New eSigns you create will stay in your My drafts tab until you click on the Send for eSign button, which initiates the approval and eSign flow.


The My drafts tab only displays a maximum of 8 documents in the workspace. To see all your drafts, click on View all at the top of the tab. workspace walkthrough

Types of documents in My drafts

Documents that will show up in this tab as drafts include:

  • Your documents that have no collaborators or approvers added yet
  • Your eSign drafts that have not been sent for eSign yet
  • Your templates that are yet to be finalized and don’t have any collaborators added

Click on on the right of the document listing to see the quick actions you can take on your drafts from the Workspace. workspace walkthrough


What do the colors on the left of documents in the workspace indicate?

The colored bars on the left of documents in the workspace indicate the type of document—yellow for eSigns and blue for Word documents.

Learn more about Workspace colors and tags.

What do the colored triangles on the right of documents in the workspace indicate?

The colored triangles on the right corner of your document listing indicate deadlines for each document.

Documents that the assignee needs to take action on in the next 7 days will be marked green, ones due in the next five days will be marked orange, and the ones due within the next 48 hours will be marked red.

Learn more about Workspace colors and tags.

Why do I no longer see a document in my For my action tab?

If you no longer see a document in your For my action tab, it could be due to one of the following reasons:

  • You have already taken action on that document: Once you take the required action on the document, it may move to Pending for others, one of the recent documents tabs or elsewhere on the platform, depending on the document, who the owner is, and the action you have taken.
  • The document owner has reclaimed the document: If the document was sent to you for edits, the document owner can recall the document and it will no longer be available for your action.
  • The document owner has trashed the document: If the document was deleted by the owner, you will no longer see it in your For my action tab.
  • The document owner canceled the approval or eSign workflow: If it was sent to you for eSign or approval and the owner cancels the eSign or approval request, the document will be sent back to the owner and won’t be visible in your For my action tab.
  • eSign document reached expiry: When this happens, approval and eSign workflows will be automatically canceled and the document returns back to the owner.

When is a document considered overdue?

A document is considered overdue when you have not taken any action on it and the deadline set by the owner of the document has passed.

How can I contact someone who has assigned me a document or eSign?

To contact the owner of the document you have been assigned you can initiate a conversation with them within the document or from the main chat on the Workspace.

To chat with them on the document:

  • Click on the document in your For my action tab to open the document
  • Click on Chat with Collaborators or Chat with eSigners in the action panel depending on whether it is a document or an eSign

workspace walkthrough

  • Search for or directly click on the owner’s name from the list that opens up
  • You can now send a direct message to the owner. Type out your message in the chat box and hit enter to send.

workspace walkthrough

To chat with them outside the document:

  • Click on the chat icon in the header
  • Search for the document owner by name or email
  • Click on their name
  • You can now send a direct message to the owner. Type out your message in the chat box and hit enter to send.

workspace walkthrough

What happens if I don’t take action on a document within the deadline?

If you don’t take action on a word document within the deadline set by the owner, the document will be tagged overdue in your For my action tab and in the Pending for Others tab of all other collaborators and eSigners.

The owner may choose to let the document remain with you to take action on or may recall and reassign the document to someone else.

In the case of eSign documents, if you do not sign before the document expiry date set by the owner, the eSign workflow will be automatically canceled and the document will return to the owner.

Why can’t I edit a document I own?

You will be unable to edit a document you own if:

  • You have released the document to a collaborator for edits. On DocuX, only one person can edit at a time for strong version control. You can regain access when the collaborator releases the document back to you or click on alongside the document name then click Recall.
  • You have concluded the document. Once a document is concluded, you will need to reopen it to make any edits. All added collaborators, approvers, and eSigners are notified if a concluded document is reopened.
  • You have voided the document. Once the document has been voided, it needs to be unvoided before you can make further edits. All added collaborators, approvers, and eSigners are notified if a voided document is unvoided.