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Notification preferences

Notifications alert you when certain actions or activities occur in your account or in documents that need your attention.

You can choose which notifications you want to receive and where with notification preferences.

Change notification preferences

  • Click on Settings in the bottom left corner of your workspace
  • Click on Notification preferences under My settings.
  • Select or deselect email or in-app notifications for specific events depending on whether or not you want to receive that notification on email or in-app. All notifications are turned on by default. Some email notifications will be delivered and do not have the option to select or deselect. notifications
  • Click Save.
  • You will need to log in and log out for changes to take effect.


How can I stop receiving specific notifications on my email?

You can stop specific notifications from being delivered to your email from Notification preferences in Settings. Some email notifications are mandatory and will invariably be delivered. Learn more about changing notification preferences.

I am not receiving any notifications

Please check your Notification preferences to ensure that the notifications you wish to receive are not deselected. Learn more about changing notification preferences.