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Roles and permissions

Users on DocuX will have different permissions depending on:

  • The plan they are on: Personal, Pro, Team, or Enterprise.
  • The role they are assigned: Admin, eSigner, Creator, or Collaborator.

In this section we will cover the different roles and their associated permissions for users of companies on the Team and Enterprise plans only.

Personal and Pro plans are individual plans and do not affect other users. If you are on either of these plans, you have complete access to all features and capabilities associated with your plans.

Roles on DocuX

There are four roles on DocuX and these roles define the access and permissions your team members would have on the platform. Assigning appropriate roles will help you protect sensitive information and meet your company’s security and compliance needs.

Admin: This role has the most comprehensive set of permissions. An admin can carry out administrative activities on DocuX, including adding and removing users, enabling company-wide platform settings for security and branding, manage billing, and more. They also have the ability to create, edit, approve, and eSign documents. Admin roles need the Creator licence and are billed.

eSigner: Users assigned the eSigner role can eSign, create, edit, and approve documents. However, they do not have any administrative permissions. eSigner roles need the Creator licence and are billed. Any external eSigners added to a document are not billed.

Creator: Creators can create and approve documents, but cannot eSign and do not have any of the administrative permissions. Creator roles need the creator licence and are billed.

Collaborator: Collaborators can be internal or external. They can view, comment, and edit documents that are shared with them, but they cannot eSign, approve, or create documents. Collaborators do not need the creator licence and you can add an unlimited number of collaborators for free.

Role-based permissions

Access and edit personal settings
  • My profile
  • My contacts
  • Notification Preferences
Collaborate on documents
  • View
  • Chat
  • Comment
  • Edit
Create personal labelsYesYesYesYes
Connect/Disconnect personal integrationsYesYesYesYes
Approve documentsYesYesYesNo
Create documentsYesYesYesNo
Send documents for eSignYesYesYesNo
eSign documentsYesYesNoNo
Access and change platform and security settings
  • Branding
  • User lockout
  • Enforce password strength
  • Enforce password change frequency
  • Set Auto logout
  • PDF encryption type
  • Set IP range restriction
  • Choose integrations for users
  • Create system labels
Manage users
  • Add users
  • Edit users
  • Delete users
  • Assign roles
Access to Plans & Invoicing
  • Branding
  • User lockout
  • Enforce password strength
  • Enforce password change frequency
  • Set Auto logout
  • PDF encryption type
  • Set IP range restriction
  • Choose integrations for users
  • Create system labels
Platform-wide document and eSign settings
  • Choose signature and initials format for all users
  • Set reminders for eSigners
  • Set post eSign message to engage with eSigners
  • Create a watermark for eSign documents

Document permissions

An admin, eSigner, or creator can be a document owner. A document owner is typically the person who created the document, but this is not necessary—ownership can be transferred to other users and, therefore, the owner of a document can be different from the person who created it.

Document owners have complete control over their documents, irrespective of their role. These controls cannot be overridden by any other user, even admins. The document owner can add users as collaborators, approvers, or eSigners on their documents, and the following permissions will apply depending on the role the owner has assigned to them:

Word documents

Permissions on the documentDocument OwnerCollaboratorApprover
Add collaboratorsYesYes
(If permitted by owner)
(If permitted by owner)
(if adds self as approver)
(if adds self as eSigner)
Add attachmentsYesYes
(If permitted by owner)
(If permitted by owner)
(If permitted by owner)
(If permitted by owner)
Password-protect the documentYesNoNo
Change ownerYesNoNo
View and download audit trailYesNoNo

eSign documents

Permissions on the documentDocument OwnereSignerApprover
(Not applicable for eSign docs)
(Not applicable for eSign docs)
Add collaborators
(Not applicable for eSign docs)
(if adds self as approver)
(if adds self as eSigner)
Add attachmentsYesYes
(If permitted by owner)
(If permitted by owner)
(If permitted by owner)
(If permitted by owner)
Password-protect the documentYesNoNo
Change ownerYesNoNo
View and download audit trailYesNoNo
(Not applicable for eSign docs)


What happens if I change the role of a user

If you change the role of a user, their platform-wide permissions will change. See role-based permissions.

Additionally, if you are changing the role of a user from one with creator permissions (i.e. Admin, eSigner, or Creator role) to a Collaborator role:

  1. You will first need to transfer ownership of all their documents to someone else who has creator permissions.
  2. All historical approvals and eSigns they have done will be retained.
  3. They will no longer be able to access documents that they have been added to as eSigner or approver.

Who can add external collaborators?

The document owner can add external collaborators on a document. If permitted by the owner, collaborators can add additional collaborators.

Can there be more than one admin?

Yes, you can add multiple admins.

Why can't an admin see documents and contracts created by users?

Document owners have ultimate control over their documents. Only users they share a document with can view it.

I want to give a user eSign permission

You will need to edit that user’s details and change their role to that of an eSigner. Learn how to edit user details